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Dugald (Dougald) Brown’s original business was established on this property in 1873. He manufactured fizzy drinks such as Belfast Ginger Beer, sarsaparilla, and soda water, and operated a livery and a liquor store on this property. Later a bottling plant utilizing a natural spring of crystal-clear water was established. Brown’s Beverages became the leading bottler of soft drinks in Muskoka under various members of the Brown family and supplied these to resorts throughout the district. Their familiar green trucks were seen everywhere and were housed and stocked in the added-on garage area. An iconic feature of this operation was the large glass window through which passers-by could watch the filling of bottles. Many interior features remain as well. The building is currently home to Muskoka Springs, a beverage company. The two-storey brown brick section of this complex was Listed on the Municipal Heritage Register in 2012.
The Muskoka Springs building is a two storey red brick construction with a flat roof, decorative brick banding just below the roof, flat-headed three-over-one windows on the second storey with brick voussoirs, flat-headed three-over-one windows with brick voussoirs and lugsills on the west side of the south elevation, two large single pane rectangular windows with brick voussoirs and lugsills on the east side of the south elevation, a single door entrance offset to the west side of the south elevation with a gabled
porch, and the Muskoka Springs logo painted on the centre of the south facade. Two large additions were added to the north and east elevations. The eastern addition is a two-storey vinyl-sided rectangular construction with a flat roof, flat-headed three-over-one windows on the eastern elevation of the second storey, a single door entrance offset to the south side of the east elevation, a flat-headed three-over-one window to the left of the entrance, and three garage doors on the northern side of the eastern elevation. The northern addition is a one storey, rectangular, concrete construction with a flat roof, a single door central entrance, ten-over-ten flat-headed windows, garage doors on the northern elevation, and a concrete addition to the centre of the eastern facade with a shed roof and garage door.